As a young man I considered various careers, but eventually decided to become an educator. I suppose that the principal reason that I gravitated toward university campuses was that these centers of learning enabled our people to express their thoughts and exercise free speech. The mark of true democracies has always been to afford their citizens this privilege. It was an honor to serve as an educator.
Recently, however, we have seen a global war on any free expression that questions the official narratives of the US government, the European Union, or the World Economic Forum. Our governments are using social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Google to quelch anyone that does not parrot their globalist narratives. Now, the United Nations is joining the assault by labeling anyone who speaks about election fraud, Hunter Biden’s laptop, or any alternative view of COVID-19 vaccines a “dangerous dissenter who believes in misinformation and conspiracy theories.”
Through UNESCO, the United Nations is launching a plan to “educate” people to be on the lookout for “misleading information.” In 2016 the UN Security Council established a “framework” to fight “extremism,” but now UNESCO will launch educational efforts to escalate the battle. The new effort will target school children. Educators will now receive a guide for them to teach students how to identify and debunk “conspiracy theories.” These teachers will ultimately be told to use “fact-checking services” funded by luminaries like Bill Gates, who UNESCO says is frequently targeted by conspiracy theories.
Perhaps more telling is UNESCOs over-reach to curtail parental influence. Teachers will now be instructed that when students believe in “dangerous ideas” because of parental influence, they should seek help “from school officials” to mediate conversations with parents.
Granted, there are plenty of crazy notions on the internet that are obviously false. No question. However, it is odd that the only thoughts being corrected by these UNESCO efforts are the ones that are contrary to the globalist narrative.
A free society must honor, respect, and support forums for intelligent thought and discussion. We must seriously ask ourselves:
Should we consider anything that is contrary to government policies a dangerous conspiracy?
Is it the role of the government to declare what is disinformation and what is not?
Isn’t information that publicizes a particular political cause called “propaganda”?
If the dictionary defines a “conspiracy” as an illegal plot carried out in secret, why are thoughts that are expressed publicly being censored?
Does the United Nations have any business telling us what is true and what is not?
I suppose the most serious question is this one. Are we entering into a proverbial slippery slope when we the people accept censorship cartels to curtail free speech and free thought in this country?