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Spiritually Speaking....

Connecting the dots ... so to say.

The spiritual component is very critical to me. Although I’m writing fiction, I need for some of my characters to address their spiritual and religious beliefs. For example, my main character is a stable, competent, psychiatrist who is spiritually ambivalent. He is not an atheist; however, he’s not a committed believer either. And, it bothers him, because he wishes he were one or the other. He detests the quasi-intellectual drivel of agnostics in his social circle. One curious thing about Nate—the main character—is that he often finds himself praying, when he is worried or threatened. Yet, he cannot come to a firm belief in God. The arc of his spiritual development will become more prominent in book #3 as I write the trilogy.

Abraham Epstein, Nate's father-in-law, is a practicing Jewish believer. His gentle and patient spirit is seen throughout. He oftens prays for his family and even for strangers in such a manner that implies his prayer time is a regular part of his day. His natural spiritual strength and firm religious beliefs are what Nate admires and aspires to emulate.

Max Kempball, introduced in The Unraveling, has a more solid spiritual awareness compared to Nate. He came from a dual upbringing by his mother Olivia in Austin and grandparents, the Kempball's, in Three Rivers. He grew up in an ambivalent spiritual atmosphere. Although his mom was an atheist, his grandparents are strong Christians. Later in life, Max reached a spiritual conversion through a Bible-teaching church in Austin, Texas. He immersed himself in the Scriptures, which keeps him well-grounded in his daily life. No matter where Max lays his head, he always becomes part of a local church family to strengthen his spiritual connection.

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