Remember foreign language immersion programs? They were effective. Students were forced to rely entirely on new codes (to sharpen their listening skills) and to produce a distinct system of sounds to communicate their thoughts. Students now mastered languages in shorter periods of time.
A cursory examination of the current curricula in our public schools seems to suggest a different kind of immersion—a “woke” immersion at its finest.
The effort to drive Shakespeare out of the curriculum is a small example. According to these "enlightened and woke" individuals, Shakespeare represents “white supremacy” and “toxic masculinity.” Of course, the study of history is being corrected to eliminate the central fixation of Western thinking and views of the world. Even mathematics is being impacted by the lunacy that proclaims that teachers should not focus on the “right answers.” Instead, educators are told that when they treat “mistakes as problems” they are only endorsing “perfectionism” and “paternalism.” The “woke” immersion is indoctrinating our children with prepackaged, ill-digested ideas. This second-hand thinking that emerges from the New York Times reporters, CNBS, and Time magazine are meant to create mass dumbness and mediocrity. A young, uneducated individual is moldable clay for those interested in shaping psyches, policy makers focused on taking away freedoms, and market researchers focused on influencing public policy.
Let us teach our kids to recognize propaganda, or as my ill-spoken uncles would say, “Teach your kids to reject the bullshit.”