"The Unraveling is a fantastic mystery - thriller,
full of action and suspense. Quintin Vargas is a real talent, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.”
David Haviland, Bestselling, Award-Winning Author, Editor, and Publisher
“The twisty-turny plot is imaginative and original. I’m certainly in again, if P.I. Nate is out to solve any more crimes!”
Chapter Break Book Blog
“Arresting…If you love a good thriller mystery then give Quintin Vargas’s debut book a chance.”
Forgotten Winds Blog
“If you enjoy international crime fiction that keeps you wondering who did it and why all the way to the end, then Iberian Ties is for you. And that ending will make you gasp and wonder if the nightmare really is over for Nate and Miró.”
Moonlight Blog
“Quintin Vargas does a great job at keeping the killer a secret and giving each character their spot for the audience to further investigate.”
Rainy Days with Amanda Blog
“Interesting twists and turns, well-developed characters and suspense all along the way. Definitely kept me on the edge of my seat.”
Amazon Review
“Never would have guessed the ending and am hopeful for a sequel soon!”